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Valentine's Diary

2 décembre 2012

my week

This week was very annoyed... The days were very long and not interresting. 

All the days i woke up at 7:00 A.M., I arrived at school at 8:15 A.M. and let's go for the history, english and french lessons!

When i arrived in my sit, my professor was already in the classroom with strange papers. I felt so ambarrassed when I heart her voice who tell: " take a double sheet and put your books and copybook on the floor it's a test!" Oh god! I was so terrfying because i had not learnt yesterday ><Two days later, the teacher gave back my sheet -----> 7,5/20  --' Horror! II never thought i'd be so stuîd at school...Well I supose that i'll just have to work more...


I hate math lessons!! grrr! well, well, well... I think i'm going to tell somebody who can help me to learn more math and history and so i will have good marks!!!




2 décembre 2012

My life

hey guys!

i'm going to tell you more about me. My name is Valentine, I'm french and I live near Paris. I'm a student.

My activities are hip-hop dance, drawing and listen to music.

My favorite bands or singers are Coldplay, Daft Punk, Rihanna, Justice...

My favorite actors are Matt Damon, Ryan Gosling, Orlando Bloom, Simon Baker... (they are juste so handsome!)

My favorite subjects are english and spanish.

That's all I think.... 




2 décembre 2012


Hey guys, this is my blog!

On this blog, I talk about me, about my friend, my family, my holidays...

So good reading guys! :)


Valentine's Diary